Sunday 24 May 2015

CBX250RS-E Engine Rebuild 25/02/2012

While I was wishing the weather would warm up so I can start working on the bike outside I had plenty of time to look at what I had done. There was one part in particular that didn't seem right to me - the pipe that goes from the oil pump to the gearbox. It just didn't seem to fit right at the gearbox end and I couldn't imagine it would get any pressure behind it without just blowing oil all over the place. I got so annoyed by it that I did some research and found that Silvers had a couple of these pipes (part number 15510-KF0-010) in stock for a mere tenner, the peace of mind of having a pipe that fitted and was known to be clear was well worth it. They are actually quite different at the end:

The new and superceding pipe being on the right. It fits much better now so I'm a lot happier..

Next up is get the old engine out! The first step is to strip it down some while basking in sunshine that is actually warm:

And that was as far as I got today. I am torn on whether to install the piston and barrel in the house or to do it in the garage, the thought of coating everything in oil indoors seems bad but the thought of fiddling about with the little C clip things that hold the gudgeon pin in place out in the garage seems ripe for mishaps as well, those little blighters can't wait to get away.

Oh yeah, and I took a closer look at the gear change linkage. Little wonder it wear so quickly, the force is pushing in a very strange direction - why didn't honda just lengthen the arm on the shaft so that it was all straight??


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