Sunday 24 May 2015

CBX250RS-E Engine Rebuild 01/04/2012

Time to update this before I get too far ahead and find I'm too lazy to write it all up..

The first step was to sort out the suraface of the head to try and make it clean for a good seal around the bore. A scraper just wasn't managing it so I took some 400 grit sandpaper to it, and it cleaned up really quite nicely:

The next step was to set the new head up with some rockers that aren't scored, these are the originals:

I actually consider these to be pretty good, they're in better condition than the other set and the inlets actually look good enough to be usable spares. This is a nice backup as I have the last two new inlet rockers anywhere in the world as far as I can tell. With the new rockers installed with the old tappets in place it was time for a final scrape of the barrel, fitting a head gasket and torquing the head down! I gave the large bolts a thorough wire brushing (the more wire brushing the better, it seems), coated them in oil and set myself up with a torque wrench expecting a stripped thread.. But it went smoothly! The threads seem to be in much better shape than the ones holding the barrel to the cases, but maybe I just didn't brush those bolts enough? Anyway, the head was on with smooth and shiny new rockers to boot:

Oddly the Honda workshop manual that I am using says that there should be wave washers between the rockers and the bits of head that hold them in place, but neither engine has had any. There is no play side to side either, so I can only guess Honda changed the design at the last minute. There isn't even any room for a washer of any sort.

The next step was to fit the not-yet-understood cam chain tensioner, something I had not been looking forward to. At first it plopped into place but wasn't tensioning very much, but some reading ( ) showed me the error of my ways. I still didn't really know where the spring went but I tried my best, some mole grips and a cable tie producing this:

After a bit of a fight it fell into place, and as it happens the bit of the spring that sticks out goes under the pin that holds the tensioner in place. Here it is plopped in:

And, after a bit more of a fight, the pin was in too:

The cable tie was then cut off by using a small set of wire clippers and the use of mole grips. Brutal, but effective. Suddenly the chain guide was shoved into the way and everything was a lot more awkward, so it was probably right!

That is all I have pictures of so far.. More has been done, but this would be no fun without the pics.

1 x head gasket (12251-KG0-004) - £12 (already added in to the running total because I got confused earlier!)
2 x inlet rockers (14431-KL8-710) - £78 (roughly due to exchange rates from the Netherlands and New Zealand)
2 x exhaust rockers (14441-KE5-003) - £81.60 (from the Netherlands)

Running total: £830.12

And none of this includes postage either..

1 comment:

  1. Hi, can you pass me the manual by email?
    My email is
    thank you very much .
