Sunday 24 May 2015

CBX250RS-E Engine Rebuild 02/02/2012

With my lovely (cheap) new low range torque wrench to hand it was time to torque some bolts! First, of course,  were the bolts holding the cases together, then the bolt holding the cam chain tensioner "arm" thing with some thread lock on it for some reason, then fit a bunch of cogs to the crank in the right order WITHOUT that strange large blue washer - I have since found that lives under the alternator. The manual says to line the cogs up with a cut out on the crank which doesn't exist, instead one of the teeth has a notch in it and I think that's what Honda used instead. After that was rebuild the oil pump (super easy) as the drive gear had of course fallen out, although the screws holding the pump together are only done up as tight as I could manage while holding it in my hand as the manual has nothing to say on torque values for those screws.. Anyway, bolt the stuff on and it looks like this:

It was all quite satisfying and easy, even the circlips holding on the gears for the shaft that lets the starter motor drive the flywheel didn't put up much of a fight. I also fitted a new cam chain (£25 off ebay) and some oil seals which go around the output and the gear shift shafts on the outside. The seal for the gear shift shaft refuses to fit properly, insisting on being wonky, but hopefully it won't let oil past:

I also pushed the seal for the output shaft as far as it could go, but now I think about it maybe that was stupid as it could be rubbing on the bearing inside. The two seals were £7.50 from Wemoto, not exactly as the originals seals were but they seem about right. The only thing bothering me is where that output shaft seal should actually be..

Price of bits in this post: £32.50
Running total: £614.96

1 comment:

  1. Hi, can you pass me the manual by email?
    My email is
    thank you very much .
