Sunday 24 May 2015

CBX250RS-E Engine Rebuild 18/10/2010

Didn't do anything yesterday, went for a ride instead.. Imagine that!

So today was clutch and rotor/flywheel day. How do you lock up an engine that isn't connected to a wheel you can stop, or even has compression?

Seems my Dad will buy anything at shows.. Dear me.. This allowed me to remove the "clutch lifter plate" (the bit that gets pushed on to disengage the clutch) and remove the big bolt from the centre of the flywheel and... That's as far as I seem to be able to get. In order to undo the big central nut in the clutch I have to somehow lock up the transmission, or use a special "Clutch Center Holder" tool (07923-KE10000) otherwise it all spins round freely, ho ho. In order to get the rotor/flywheel off I need a special "Rotor Puller" tool (07733-0020001) which I guess is just a beefy bolt that threads into the rotor and then presses onto the end of the crank. I have tried pulling on the flywheel by hand (not too rough mind!) and it isn't even thinking about coming off, so.. bugger!

I don't suppose any of you wonderful people have either of these tools that I could perhaps borrow? There might be whole pounds in it for you!!

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