Monday 21 May 2018

Leicester Egg Run 2018

Way back in January I was given this flyer for an easter egg run that happens not only in the fair shire of Leicester but also happens to be just a couple of villages over from where I live. My interest was piqued.
Sure enough, March rolled around and surprisingly the forecast was looking good so after popping down to an enormous B&M that exists in Coalville to arm myself with a Peppa Pig easter egg I rolled into the car park in Anstey, unsure of what I would find. Unsure partly because I've never done an Easter egg run before (though I can guess what is involved!) but also partly unsure because I'm not at all religious - will I even be welcome?

With the weather as glorious as it was and safe in the knowledge that all group rides are dog slow I puttered to the top of the hill on the glorious CBX250RS and parked up amongst a surprisingly large number of bikes considering I've been riding for the past 9 years and never heard of this going on.
As I remove my helmet, gloves and earplugs a bloke quickly walks over to check what on Earth can make such a wonderful noise, and then nips off again without saying anything. Weird but I shouldn't expect anything less, at least they seem to like what I've brought!

I hand the 'Pig egg over to a bloke who puts it in the back of a hearse (???) with the rest of the donations and the Christians begin their preaching and thanking. Mercifully it is short and sweet and soon everyone is readying themselves for the run:
There was some interesting machinery here, as there always is for group rides, though sadly the bicycle moped thing was nowhere to be seen after this point.

Upon leaving the car park we were waved off by people holding small wooden crosses, again a bit much but I mustn't hold it against them - for some reason I wouldn't mind nearly as much if I was on some Diwali ride and they gave people Tilaka marks.
And so we set off towards Cropston, I think touching Rothley and then following a route quite similar to the Brass Monkey run to end up at, surprise surprise, The Vic in Coalville. Sure enough the pace was sedate and the CBX was more than capable enough despite not breathing properly. I don't mind though, it's part of the fun once you know the score and accept it.

So, overall this is a nice little jaunt with good planning and perfectly lovely people and I think it could be a great event if they sort their marketing out so people actually know it is on - perhaps this post will help them! There is a niche to be filled here, I don't know of any other Easter egg runs in the Leicester area or even in the East Midlands and the ones over in Birmingham or Wirral seem very popular. Come on guys, get the word out!

1 comment:

    2022 Egg Run 10.04.22
